Key and Access Issuance Policy
For interpretation of this policy, please contact Facilities Planning & Management at (909) 537-5175.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure controlled access to buildings in such a manner that will afford protection of assets and occupants. Additionally, it provides user and administrative awareness for the proper use of campus-issued keys and electronic credentials. The policy establishes responsibility for all University employees including student employees, students, and others issued keys, as well as outlining the responsibilities of managers in approving and regulating access to University facilities. It is the policy of California State University, San Bernardino to only grant access to its facilities when a University business purpose exists.
Procedures or Process:
Primary responsibility for the security of campus buildings lies with the University Police.
Responsibility for maintaining locks, lock hardware and issuance of keys, and electronic credential issuance belongs to Facilities Management.
The department managers and administrators are responsible for authorizing the issuance of keys and electronic access credentials. The department also must notify Facilities Management when access is no longer required for students, staff, or faculty. The users and their departments are responsible for key use, loss, and misuse.
Lock and Key Policy and Procedures (11/13/1989}
- Access - Method of entry to a physical space on campus that is restricted to certain individuals either on a permanent basis or during certain hours of the day.
- Change Key- A key or electronic credential that only opens a single area. By definition, a change key is not a master key. Refer to Level 3 Authorization.
- CoyoteOne Card- An official identification card issued by the University that may also be used as an electronic access credential.
- Department Master or Sub-Master Key- A key or electronic credential that operates multiple locks of a given department. Refer to Level 2 Authorization
- Electronic Access- Method of entry by the use of an electronic access credential to physical space on campus.
- Electronic Access Credential- A method to perform authorization, identification, authentication, access approval, and accountability of entities through login credentials, personal identification numbers {PINs), biometric scans, or electronic authorization tool (i.e., Key Fob).
- Employee- A person employed by California State University, San Bernardino or one of its recognized auxiliary organizations. This individual has a PeopleSoft ID number.
- Key- A physical metal key used to open doors and other spaces on campus.
- Key Holder- An individual authorized and issued a key or electronic access credential.
- Master Key- This key may be a building master, building sub-master, or floor master. This key or electronic credential operates all or most locks in a given building. Refer to Level 1 Authorization.
- Lockable Key Cabinet or Lock Box- A controlled storage box, permanently affixed in some manner as approved by Facilities Management for the storage of keys to be shared by multiple users within a campus department or departments.
- Student- An individual who is enrolled in academic classes at the university and not employed by the university or one of its auxiliary organizations.
- Student Employee- An individual who is enrolled in academic classes at the University and is employed by the University or a recognized auxiliary organization in the capacity of a student assistant, graduate assistant, teaching associate, or instructional student assistant job classification.
- Volunteer- An individual registered with the department of Human Resources or Faculty Affairs as an official university volunteer.
Individuals needing access to an area, or assistance in securing an area should contact University Police. Presentation of photo identification after regular operating hours is required; access may be denied if proper identification is not presented.
Graduate students and other students who require entrance to a building outside of regular operating hours must have proper identification and prior approval in writing from the appropriate administrator. This authorization must be on file with University Police and must be updated each term.
University Police will ensure that all buildings are secured every night.
University buildings are generally unlocked on weekdays between 7 am and 10 pm as required by the published course schedule. Individuals requiring access outside of normal operating hours must submit an access request to Facilities Management. Access to buildings with electronic access on one or more exterior doors will occur via CoyoteOne Card or by other authorized electronic access credential. Only in very rare circumstances will a building entry physical key be issued.
Each Manager or Department Chair is responsible for determining and approving access needs for individual staff, faculty, students, student employees, or volunteers. Access to University facilities is determined by the employee's manager based on an evaluation of the employee's business purpose for access to a particular building, facility, or space. In addition to the employee's manager, requests for access may require multiple levels of approval, depending on the level of access required.
A key holder cannot sign as their own authorizing signature for an access request, with the exception of the president and vice presidents.
Level 3 Authorization
A person with Level 3 authorization can authorize a request for a key or electronic credential that only open a single area. This is referred as a "change key" because it operates only one cylinder or one group of keyed alike cylinders. Persons with Level 3 authorization cannot authorize any higher security access requests.
Supervisors or staff who have others reporting directly to them may have this level of authorization.
Level 3 approvers can authorize by signing Level 3 requests or renewals.
Level 2 Authorization
A person with Level 2 authorization can authorize a request for a key or electronic credential that is of a department sub-master or master keying level. A sub-master key or electronic credential may open more than one area within the department. Department master key or electronic credential operates all or most locks of a given department.
MPP Administrators 1- 111including department managers and chairs have this level of authorization.
Level 2 approvers can authorize by signing Level 2 and Level 3 requests and renewals.
Level 1 Authorization
A person with Level 1 authorization can authorize a request for a key or electronic credential that is a master key. This key may be a building master, a building sub-master, floor master, etc. This means that the key or electronic credential operates all or most locks in a given building.
Only the President or Vice Presidents have this level of authorization. Level 1 approvers can authorize by signing all levels of requests.
Keys and electronic access credentials are the responsibility of the individual to whom they are issued and shall not be shared with any other person. The borrowing and lending of any key (physical metal keys and electronic access credentials) is prohibited.
Key holders shall not unlock buildings or rooms for others. University Police will assist those needing access after-hours and will determine if the person has a business purpose for access as well as proper identification.
The key holder for any university facility assumes responsibility for the safekeeping of the key(s) and its use. When leaving a campus area or building, all doors must be secured as they were upon arrival.
Key holders or others shall not prop doors open or leave them unlocked during hours when the facility is normally closed.
Key holders must comply with California Penal Code 469 [presented herein].
Any person who knowingly makes, duplicates, causes to be duplicated, or uses, or attempts to make, duplicate, cause to be duplicated, or use, or has in his possession any key to a building or other area owned, operated, or controlled by the State of California, any state agency, board, or commission, a county, city, or any public school or community college district without authorization from the person in charge of such building or area or his designated representative and with knowledge of the lack of such authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Faculty or Staff shall not "exchange" keys for any reason including changing duties at the University.
Individuals separating from the University or one of its auxiliary organizations must return any issued keys or electronic credential to Facilities Management. Upon notification from the department, Facilities Management will deactivate electronic access for separating employees.
Any key holder on a leave of absence from the University for a period longer than six months shall turn in keys and electronic access credential to Facilities Management and may have them re-issued upon return.
Faculty and Staff shall request keys and electronic access through their department appropriate administrator per the authorization structure outlined above. The department authorized key requestor can complete the access request form on the facilities management website.
Keys and Electronic Access Credentials are to be issued to the authorized individual directly and personnel are required to sign that they received the key or electronic access credential. Photo identification will be required for key issuance.
All keys issued pursuant to this policy will be listed on the key holder's personal key inventory. A copy of a personal key inventory will be provided upon request from Facilities Management.
Departments are responsible for keys or electronic access credentials not returned by a key holder along with any associated costs of re-keying if determined necessary by Facilities Management or University Police.
It is encouraged that we do not issue keys to students or student employees.
Students and Student Employees will not be issued keys without proper justification. In the case of the exception, students or student employees may only be issued a Change Key. No students will be issued a Building Master, Department Master, or Sub-Master Key.
The statement of justification must be submitted to Facilities Management on department letterhead and must be signed by the appropriate Dean or Administrator. The request shall then be reviewed and approved by the Director of Facilities Management.
Upon final approval, a key will be issued to the student or student employee to use for one academic term only and must be renewed if the student is to maintain possession of the key for more than one academic term.
Departments must renew the key(s) through the on-line renewal process for students or student employees. More information on this process can be obtained through the Office of Facilities Management website.
Keys and Electronic Access Credentials are to be issued to the authorized student directly and students are required to sign that they received the key or electronic access credential. Photo identification will be required for key issuance.
Departments are strongly discouraged from issuing keys or electronic access credentials to those who are not faculty, staff, students, or student employees.
If there is a university business purpose, justification to Facilities Management must be provided on department letterhead and must be signed by the appropriate Dean or Administrator. The request shall then be reviewed and approved by the Director of Facilities Management.
Contractors or vendors may be issued a key only upon authorization from the Director of Facilities Management. Additionally, the firm will be required to submit a $500 per building deposit, appropriate key request information, authorized individual, firm name, and specific return date, before request for keys will be processed. All costs of key recovery or re-keying related to unreturned keys will be the responsibility of the firm to which the keys were issued, and the deposit(s) will not be returned until all keys are cleared.
Lost keys or electronic access credentials shall be reported immediately to the University Police and Facilities Management. Fees to re-key the affected spaces may be assessed to the responsible key holder.
Before a new key will be issued, the key holder must pay the $25.00 per key replacement fee, with the total fee not to exceed $100.00. This fee may be waived if the key(s) is stolen and a police report has been filed with University Police and a copy is provided to Facilities Management.
The fee may be refunded if the lost key is returned within six months of being reported lost. The key holder must bring a copy of their original CSUSB receipt for key replacement to Facilities Management to initiate the refund process.
In the event of a lost key, and at the direction of Facilities Management or University Police, rekeying of spaces or an entire building may be required and such cost will be the responsibility of the department or college of the authorized key holder.
On occasion, re-keying of locks may be requested due to increased access needs, lost keys,
or a variety of other reasons.
Re-keying of locks is not a maintenance function. This request must be initiated by a school dean or higher authority and requires approval of the Facilities Management Director. Such requests shall be funded by the requester as chargeback work.
Desk, file, or safe keys are not maintained by Facilities Management. Should Facilities Management service be required for these type of keys or locks, such service shall be rendered on a chargeback basis.
If a department requires multiple duplicate keys for access to specific spaces, then a departmental lockable key cabinet may be required and installed. A department lockable key cabinet must be wall-mounted or secured to prevent unauthorized removal, placement and installation is subject to approval by Facilities Management.
Departments are responsible for controlling access to their lockable key cabinet. It is the responsibility of the department designee to control access to the departmental lockable key cabinet and maintain a key issuance record of all keys; including the daily check-out and check in of keys. The lockable key cabinet issuance record is subject to review by Facilities Management and/or University Police upon request. Keys stored in a lockable key cabinet may only be used by employees, students, and student assistants within the department.
All locksets and padlocks used on campus facilities shall be issued by Facilities Management and be compatible with the campus key system. All other locks are not allowed and shall be removed by University Police or Facilities Management personnel. Locks which are removed shall not be returned nor will claims for reimbursement of cost be considered.
Facilities Management does not maintain locks or keys for non-state operated buildings, i.e., auxiliary services buildings, such as residence halls or buildings owned by the University Enterprise Corporation.
Facilities Management shall conduct periodic audits to ensure that each department and administrative unit is complying with this Key and Access Issuance Policy.