Budget Oversight Policy
For interpretation of this policy, please contact the University Budget Office at (909) 537-5134.
Effective October 12, 2017, the Integrated CSU Administrative Manual (ICSUAM Section 2002.00) formalized and established a systemwide policy on budget oversight and specified that each campus must establish policies and procedures to periodically monitor campus budget performance through the fiscal year.
Effective April 16, 2024, the Integrated CSU Administrative Manual (ICSUAM Section 2002.00) has been updated to reflect the systemwide policy on budget oversight.
Procedures or Process:
Policy Purpose:
To establish the policy and procedures governing the fiscal review and monitoring of the campus’ budget performance.
Policy Scope:
The scope of this policy, as updated on April 16, 2024, includes comprehensive budgetary reviews of all revenues and expenditures supported by all CSU funds, at least once per quarter. Campuswide reviews comparing budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures, including Cabinet discussion and remediation of concerns, must be documented.
As part of its commitment toward budget oversight, the campus will conduct four quarterly reviews of budget-to-actuals and year-end budget balance projections for Operating funds under State fund 0948 (State University Trust Fund) and revenue and expenditure reports for Non-Recurring Maintenance & Repairs (NRMR) funds and Capital Improvement (CIMP) funds.
- The University Budget Office will provide summarized Operating Funds under state fund 0948 (State University Trust Fund) budget-to-actual reports at the division/college level to divisions at the end of 2nd and 3rd fiscal quarter.
- The University Budget Office will provide summarized Self-Support funds under state fund 0948 (State University Trust Fund) budget-to-actual reports to enterprise entities at the end of 2nd and 3rd fiscal quarters.
- The University Budget Office will conduct budget reviews for the 1st and 4th fiscal quarters.
- The Division and enterprise entity Fiscal Officers, after consultation with their respective Vice Presidents and/or enterprise entities’ Dean/Directors, report back to the Budget Office the projected year-end budget balance available.
- The University Budget Office will conduct a comprehensive review and prepare a management report to present to the Cabinet.
- The Vice Presidents are expected to bring forward any concerns for their respective areas to the Cabinet for discussion and remediation.
- The University Budget Office will also provide the budget-to-actual reports and year-end budget balance projections for University Budget Advisory Committee meetings.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority:
The Vice President/CFO for Finance, Technology and Operations has overall responsibility for campus budget oversight.
The Associate Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services is responsible for enforcing the university budget oversight policy under the leadership of the Vice President/CFO for Finance, Technology and Operations.
The Executive Director of Budget & Resource Management will establish and maintain internal processes to provide guidance to the campus community through the fiscal review process/financial assessment and implement Cabinet recommendations as appropriate.
Division Vice Presidents and Self-Support unit Deans/Directors will assign responsibility of the division budget management to their respective Budget Officers and bring forward any concerns for their respective areas to the Cabinet for discussion and remediation.
Division/Enterprise Budget Officers will oversee management and integrity of the division’s budget, ensuring compliance with all university regulations concerning management of the related budget(s), confidentiality or records, and other related provisions on behalf of the Vice President for their respective divisions as follows:
- Verify expenditures are authorized, appropriate, and accurate.
- Verify the accuracy of budget allocations.
- Ensure funds are used for their intended purposes and within the designated time periods.
- Ensure that baseline permanent funding will be used for all permanent employees.
- Document an action plan prior to the end of the fiscal year for resolving any anticipated budgetary salary structural deficits.
- Conduct financial projections at the end of the 2nd and 3rd fiscal year quarters.
- Complete the Budget-to-Actual Reports and submit them to the University Budget Office.
- The Budget Office will perform the budget reviews for the 1st and 4th fiscal quarters.
The University Budget Advisory Committee will review the budget-to-actual reports and year-end budget balance projections in its meetings.
Resources and Reference Materials:
Education Code, Division 8, Part 55, Chapter 6, and Article 2 §89720 et seq. and Article 4 §89756
Board of Trustees of the California State University, Standing Orders, Section VI, Parts d and h
Executive Order 1000 Delegation of Fiscal Authority and Responsibility
Integrated CSU Administrative Manual, Section 2000 Budget, Policy Number 2002.00