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Administrative Policies And Practices - Review And Approval Process

Administrative Policies And Practices - Review And Approval Process

Reviewed By: Administrative Council on
Approved By: Albert K. Karnig, President on
Reviewed By: Administrative Council on
Approved By: Tomás D Morales, President on

For interpretation of this policy, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Finance, Technology, and Operations at (909) 537-5130.


Application Process

This process applies to all university-wide administrative policies and procedures presented to the Administrative Council for review.

Proposed policies and procedures must adhere to CSU systemwide policy or applicable federal or state law or regulation. Policies and procedures may not be less restrictive, but if appropriate may be more restrictive.

Prior to proposing new or updating existing university-wide administrative policies and procedures, a thorough review of CSU systemwide policies, executive orders, coded memos, and technical letters within the CSUPolicy Library is required. Upon review, if there is any overlap, the CSU systemwide policy will be enforced, and no new university- wide administrative policies or procedures will be approved, and any existing university- wide administrative policies or procedures that overlap with CSU systemwide policies will be rescinded. Furthermore, if a CSU systemwide policy or procedure sunsets, upon Administrative Council review, the university should consider sunsetting the policy or procedure.

Administrative Policies Should Include

  • A title, e.g., Parking Policy
  • Policy Approval:
    • Original
      • Reviewed by Administrative Council on mm/dd/yyyy
      • Approved by (President) on mm/dd/yyyy
    • Last Reviewed:
      • Reviewed by Administrative Council on mm/dd/yyyy
      • Approved by (President) on mm/dd/yyyy
  • Responsible Office Statement:
    • For interpretation of this policy, please contact Office Name/Title of Officer, phone number: e.g., Parking Services, Parking Manager, (909) 537-xxxx.
  • Policy: e.g., 'The purpose of this policy is. . .'
  • Procedures or Process, if any: e.g., who does what, when, how

Procedures or Process:

Process for Approval

Unless there is a need for a more expeditious review and approval process or the proposed draft results from a Chancellor's Office Executive Order, CSU Administrative directive, or if it is required by law, normally present draft of the proposed policy to the Administrative Council for a first reading and discussion.

The proposed policy will be referenced in the minutes of the meeting and placed on the web page as a draft. The campus will be asked to comment on the proposed policy and forward suggestions for changes to the indicated responsible officer with a copy to the appropriate vice president.

Return the proposed policy with changes, if any, to the Administrative Council for final reading and recommendation. The responsible officer should be prepared to provide a summary of suggested changes received.

Following review by the Administrative Council, the responsible officer will provide the President's Office with a clean copy of the policy with all recommended changes and revisions.

President's Office will complete information on signature page to include President's signature of approval.•

During periods of time in which the Administrative Council does not meet regularly, Administrative Policies and Procedures may go through the express approval process:

  • Through the express approval process, the policy will be sent to the Administrative Council members via email or another electronic format for review and feedback.