Fernanda Gonzalez Lomeli, Nicole Elmaraghy, Anthony Castro, Claudia V. Osuna Guerrero and Laura L. Newcomb (biology), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and Andreas Beyersdorf (chemistry/biochemistry) were included in recent news coverage.
Andreas Beyersdorf, an associate professor in chemistry and biochemistry, is also an analytic chemist whose overall research interest is air pollution.
The grant from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research will use online, personalized learning technologies to decrease the achievement gap for approximately 8,000 students per year.
“Anthropocene: The Human Epoch,” a film discussing the geological and environmental impacts humans have had on the Earth, will be shown at noon, Wednesday, Feb. 5, in the Santos Manuel Student Union Theater, followed by a discussion.
ITS Tech Talks provided an opportunity for faculty and staff to meet and exchange ideas about technology in education, explore current and emerging technologies, and learn about projects that are enhancing the teaching and learning experience.