NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

CSUSB professor discusses interactive virtual reality project, Phoenix of Gaza XR
Foundation for Middle East Peace
Dec. 23, 2024

In this episode of “Occupied Thoughts,” Foundation for Middle East Peace Fellow Nour Joudah speaks with Ahlam Muhtaseb, Cal State San Bernadino professor and co-founder of the Phoenix of Gaza XR, an interactive virtual reality experience that captures the untold stories of Gaza’s people and its transformation and provides a deep dive into the lives of those who endure and rebuild.

San Bernardino Youth Symphony Orchestra performs inaugural concert
Inland Valley News
Dec. 30, 2024

Lucy Lewis, CSUSB professor of music and conductor of the San Bernardino Youth Symphony Orchestra, was interviewed about the inaugural performance of the orchestra on Dec. 15 at the San Bernardino Valley College Auditorium.

 “The launch of the San Bernardino Symphony Youth Orchestra this fall and the presentation of their inaugural performance represent a resounding success that is a testament to the hard work of all of the students involved, and their families that have supported them,” Lewis said. “We believe in the talent and brilliance of our Inland Empire youth, and it is our honor to be able to support their growth both as artist-musicians, and human beings.”

CSUSB gets $500k to lead malnutrition research
Precinct Reporter
Dec. 27, 2024

Terezie Tolar-Peterson, CSUSB professor in the Department of Health Science and Human Ecology department chair, is the lead principal investigator of a groundbreaking research project to combat acute child malnutrition in Nigeria by improving access to nutrient-dense, fish-fortified complementary foods. The project, focused on children at high risk for acute malnutrition, particularly in the regions of northeast Nigeria, seeks to assess the effectiveness of Tom Brown Plus Fish, a fish-fortified cereal, in reducing relapse of acute malnutrition and providing sustainable nutrition solutions for low- and middle-income countries.

World’s priciest dinosaur fossil comes to Museum of Natural History
The San Juan Daily Star (Puerto Rico)
Dec. 24, 2024

Stuart Sumida, the president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, discussed the issue of fossils being put up for auction for private ownership and researchers access to such specimens. Some paleontologists have expressed concerns in the past about doing research on privately owned specimens, since there is rarely a guarantee that they will remain accessible to researchers in the future.

Sumida said that “we have an internal ethics committee that is grappling with the situation right now.” He said that the ethics committee would deliver a recommendation about how to handle loaned fossils like Apex as soon as early spring. “This is a new gray area for us.”

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”