NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

White Democrats are wary of big ideas to address racial inequality
ABC News/538

FiveThirtyEight's Perry Bacon Jr. and Cal State San Bernardino political science professor Meredith Conroy discuss in this podcast what the polls can tell us about white Democrats’ views on racial disparities in the U.S.

In the Green Room: Professor emeritus at Cal State San Bernardino School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Brian Levin
Zócalo Public Square
July 26, 2024

Before moderating “How Does the Inland Empire Strike Back Against Hate?,” a Zócalo public program presented in partnership with California Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities, United We Stand, UCR ARTS, and UCR College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Brian Levin, founding director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, joined a Zócalo to chat “Mister Rogers,” his choco lab, and what to wear to a hate rally. 

 ‘I don’t believe that I have been wanted:’ Processes of Overinclusion and Exclusion in Racialized and Gendered Organizations
Social Problems

Ethel Mickey (sociology) co-authored a study that focused on faculty of color, particularly women of color, who “find the academy unwelcoming. Yet research that centers intersectional understanding of the mechanisms leading to these inequalities is underdeveloped. We identify three context-dependent mechanisms of racial and gender disadvantage among faculty: active exclusion, overinclusion, and passive exclusion.”

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”