NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at  

The sex lives of Olympic athletes
June 11, 2024

Kelly Campbell, a CSUSB professor of psychology who is now vice provost for Academic Programs and co-chief diversity officer for Academic Affairs psychology, was quoted in an article by the lifestyle website about the interactions between Olympic athletes when the games convene every four years.

Campbell She spent the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, interviewing athletes inside the Olympic Village and studying the effects that love and romance have on athletic performance. Based on her interactions, Campbell says that the athletes (at least, some of them) are definitely having sex.

"You can attribute it to a lot of things. If you think about who's there, it's people who are relatively matched in age, they're all extremely physically fit, they have these characteristics that are already going to create this heightened environment," she tells PS.

She also interviewed people who worked in the Olympic Village, including cafeteria and food delivery workers to get the inside scoop. "As the Games progress and people are there longer, [the workers said] you start to see these little partnerships happening," she says.

A primary election final thought: Did Republican women turn a corner?
ABC News/538
June 11, 2024

Meredith Conroy, CSUSB professor of political science and a 538 contributor, joined fellow contributors and staff writers in a liveblog to discuss the Nevada, South Carolina, North Dakota primary elections and a special election in Ohio as they unfolded on June 11. One of her thoughts:  “As we've been documenting this primary cycle, the GOP is badly trailing Democrats when it comes to endorsing and nominating women in primaries, especially primaries where they can win in November. Tonight marked a milestone for the GOP, with (Julie) Fedorchak — the projected winner in North Dakota's At-Large Congressional District — becoming the first non-incumbent Republican women to win an open primary for a safe red seat.”

Trauma-Related Shame, Characterological Self-Blame, and Psychological Outcomes Among Sexual Assault Survivors
Journal of Loss and Trauma

CSUSB alumna Melody Robinson ’22 coauthored a report with Christina Hassija (psychology, dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences) and Joseph Wellman (psychology, University of Mississippi) that examined “whether trauma-related shame would explain CSB’s (characterological self-blame) association with depression and anxiety symptom severity.”

Robinson is a clinical psychology Ph.D. candidate at the University of Tulsa.

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”