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CSUSB professor writes on ‘The pandemic: How your outlook influences your mental health’
Psychology Today
Aug. 24, 2020

“The million-dollar question that runs through the minds of most of us during the pandemic, often multiple times each day, is ‘When will it end?’” Anthony Silard, a CSUSB public administration professor and an award-winning scholar, author and international consultant, wrote an article for the website’s blog. “I have been in Zoom group meetings with friends that focus singularly on this question. After a while, we grow weary of talking about it, yet it still occupies a large portion of our brains every day.”

Read the complete article at “The pandemic: How your outlook influences your mental health.”

CSUSB professor to participate in panel discussion about the film ‘The One and Only Jewish Miss America’
International Business Times/Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York
Aug. 25, 2020

Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism and criminal justice professor at California State University, San Bernardino will be one of the guest panelists following the presentation of the documentary, “The One and Only Jewish Miss America,” on Sept. 8.

The film focuses on Bess Myerson, who was crowned Miss America on Sept. 8, 1945, just months after Germany surrendered to the Allies to end World War II and the Holocaust, liberating the Nazi death camps. “In spite of antisemitism and threatening calls to pageant judges warning them against selecting a Jew, Bess took the title home to her family's tiny apartment in the Shalom Aleichem housing project in the Bronx, NY,” the article said.

Levin will join those featured in the film, along with Abraham Foxman, director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League, for the online panel discussion.

Read “The One and Only Jewish Miss America” for information on the film and the panel discussion.

This news clip and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”