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CSUSB professor of management discusses gender barriers in the workplace and how to overcome them
Her Agenda

Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro, CSUSB professor of management and Academy of Management (AOM) member president, was interviewed for an article about gender barriers that still exist in the workplace. An AOM study showed that there is less access for women in leadership, lower capital to fund women-owned businesses, and that men must provide more access.

“It means there are still systemic barriers for women,” the article said. “No surprise given the dearth of women at the top and men need, to be on board to address these barriers. But according to current AOM member president, Prof. Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro, women should still feel ‘quite a high degree of optimism’ at these findings. They give women permission to focus on their careers and take agency over their advancement.

“Her optimism is buoyed by the latest research showing that ‘conservatively, 25% of growth in U.S. GDP between 1960 and 2010 can be attributed to greater gender and racial balance in the workplace. The number could be as high as 40%.’ Women and racial minorities in the workplace benefit our economy.”

Read the complete article at “Gender in the workplace: How to overcome the challenges.”

Racists’ semi-coded language either a sarcastic dig or way to fly under social media companies’ terms of service restrictions, CSUSB professor says
Daily Dot
May 15, 2020

Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, was interviewed for an article about white supremacists using the word “jogger” as code in reference to a black man who was fatally shot by a white man while out jogging.

Levin told the Daily Dot that white supremacists use this term “because the young, unarmed victim was jogging” when he was killed.

Levin said racists use coded racial slurs in order to avoid repercussions from social media companies.

“Horrendous euphemisms for racist terms fly by on the internet,” Levin said. “What we’re seeing is this semi-coded language, which exists either to make some kind of sarcastic point … or to escape social media companies.”

Levin said that it is “a strategy to continue to maintain a presence on social media, where some of the more overt racist terms are a violation of terms of service.”

With the enactment of stay-at-home orders, Levin said he has seen an increase in bigotry online.

Read the complete article at “Racists are using a coded slur online after Ahmaud Arbery’s death.”

These news clips  and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”