Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

Last year, Cal State San Bernardino hosted the inaugural Golden Grads event, which brought the first graduating class of CSUSB to its alma mater 50 years later. With the success of the first event, CSUSB is now inviting the second class of Golden Grads back to campus.The Class of 1968 is invited to the university for a series of events on Sunday, Sept. 16, and Monday, Sept. 17, including CSUSB’s annual Convocation celebrating the beginning of the 2018-19 academic year.On Sept. 16, the 1968 alumni are invited to the Golden Grad Celebration in the CSUSB Obershaw Dining Room at noon for an opportunity to reconnect and mingle with former classmates, faculty and staff. Following the gathering on campus, the Golden Grads and CSUSB retirees are invited to a meetup at Castaway Restaurant in San Bernardino at 5 p.m.The following day, the Golden Grads are asked to join the CSUSB campus community for the annual Convocation celebration at Coussoulis Arena at 9 a.m. An hour prior to the big event, the Golden Grads are invited to a Convocation breakfast near the Legacy Fountain at 8 a.m.Later, at 1 p.m., the Golden Grads are invited to a “bookstore trip” at the Coyote Bookstore, followed by an opportunity to tour the campus at 1:30 p.m.To close out the event, a Convocation reception will take place in the new Coyote Commons from 3 to 5 p.m.Visit the Alumni Relations website for more information and to register for the Golden Grad events.