Aleah McGlover Marketing/Communications Specialist – GEAR UP CSUSB Office of Pre-College Programs Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

Since its inception in 1999, GEAR UP has improved educational outcomes for millions of low-income, minority and disadvantaged students across the United States, including the cohort of about 3,600 students in the San Bernardino City Unified School District’s comprehensive high schools served by the CSUSB GEAR UP program. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the CSUSB program is one of 41 nationwide that received federal grants in 2014. The Cal State San Bernardino program was awarded $14.2 million over six years, which allows it to work practically year-round with its students. While some students in this cohort have transferred in and out of the district, GEAR UP essentially has been working with this group of students since they were in the seventh grade. The GEAR UP program at Cal State San Bernardino has a list of events lined up for its participation in the National GEAR UP Week 2018, which is set for Sept. 23-29. The week commemorates the continuing success of Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), a college access program providing students and families the support and resources they need for college success. The CSUSB GEAR UP program has scheduled the following events at the San Bernardino City Unified School District high schools it serves: Monday, Sept. 24, Arroyo High School Safety Walk Students will go from designated points and then walk to Arroyo High. The purpose is for students to gain awareness about current community culture around their school and to lay the foundation for target areas to clean up for future service learning activities. Monday, Sept. 24, San Bernardino High School, Middle College High School, Teacher Appreciation “Thank You” DoorsStudents will create decorative “Thank You” posters for teachers to post on their classroom doors. Tuesday, Sept. 25, Cajon High School Instagram Video ContestThe aim of the contest is to produce and share a video on the social media platform that promotes the importance of higher education, explains college preparation and admissions requirements. Thursday, Sept. 27, All San Bernardino City Unified School District High Schools Each high school will have a photo booth that will invite students to continue thinking about their future goals, aspirations and pathways through peer-to-peer discussions about education after high school. College logos and other educational props will be part of the photo booths. Thursday, Sept. 27, San Bernardino City Unified School District College NightGEAR UP will support SBCUSD College Night at Cajon High School by providing transportation for students to attend. (Note: Indian Springs High School will not be providing transportation) Thursday, Sept. 27, Indian Springs High School, College Door/Mural Contest JudgingGEAR UP asked teachers and students at Indian Springs to create door decorations/murals that show off how their class ties into college. Thursday is the final day for any work on the door, and GEAR UP counselors at the high school will be asking people to judge the creations. Friday, Sept. 28, Pacific High School, GEAR UP Family MixerThe event promotes a college-going culture by allowing students to meet across school sites and highlight college goals.Friday, Sept. 28, San Gorgonio High School, GEAR UP Football MixerGEAR UP at San Gorgonio High School will host a football mixer before its game against Arroyo Valley High School. The two schools will mingle together and quiz their parents on college trivia. At 6:30 pm, both parents and students will head down to the field for free entrance into the game to support SGHS and AVHS football teams. Visit the California State University, San Bernardino GEAR UP website for more information.Also, follow it on social media:
- Facebook, search @CSUSBGU;
- Twitter, at @GEARUP_CSUSB; and
- Instagram, @gearup_csusb.
For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit