Desktop Application cannot login
if you received this type message, please submit an OnBase application issue ticket.
You cannot access to a specific OnBase form
If you login to the OnBase workflow web client, and you cannot see a form list under the new form option, please submit a form access issue ticket.
OnBase Permissions Grant
if you need to ask a OnBase access permission or add people into a OnBase specific permission group, please submit an OnBase Permission ticket.
If you want to clone a person OnBase permission into another person, please also provide that information at the ticket request content area.
OnBase Form Update
if you have a form that need some modification, please submit this form update ticket.
OnBase Unlock Form
If you saw your form with gray color mask, then this form had been locked. Because OnBase cannot modify a form by two different people at the same time.
Then please submit the troubleshooting ticket