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Admissions and Enrollment Timeline
Category | Application Opens | Application Closes |
Impacted Majors | October 1, 2024 | December 2, 2024 |
Non-Impacted Majors | October 1, 2024 | December 16, 2024 |
Returning & Veteran Applicants | October 1, 2024 | June 30, 2025 |
First-Year Students - Spring 2025 Deadlines
Sept. 20: Application Deadline Extended
CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications for non-impacted programs and some impacted programs – (Pre-Criminal Justice, Pre-Psychology and Kinesiology - Allied Health programs only) via Cal State Apply from transfer and first-year students Aug. 1 through Sept. 20.
All 23 CSU campuses use the Cal State Apply application. There is a $70 application fee per campus you choose to send your application to.
Sept. 30: Final Document Deadline
CSUSB requires that all admission requirements (Golden 4, units, GPA requirements, supplemental requirements) must be completed by the end of summer for spring admission.
All incoming students will be required to submit official final transcripts from every institution attended regardless of relevance the courses taken may have to the major you are applying to at CSUSB. This includes schools that you have current attendance.
Transcripts must reflect completed spring and/or summer course grades. Fall coursework will not be accepted to meet admission requirements.
Students should submit these as soon as they are available but no later than Sept. 30. Additional documents, such as test scores, may also be required.
For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB will create a To-Do list for each student. For more information, please visit our Submitting Documents webpage.
Nov. 15: Residency Document Deadline
Residency for tuition purposes affects whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition fees. It is strongly advised that residency supporting documents are submitted as soon as possible. See our Establishing Residency webpage for more details.
Nov. 30: Accept/Decline Deadline
Your admission decision is based on many factors and does not reflect your academic achievements.
After being offered admission, all students must formally accept their offer by Nov. 30 in order to secure their spot for spring enrollment. More information can be found on our Accept your Admission webpage.
Dec. 15: First-Year Orientation Deadline
Orientation is a mandatory program for all newly admitted students into CSUSB. It is designed to transition you to life in college and the CSUSB campus, as well as assist you in becoming familiar with the wide range of academic opportunities available at CSUSB. Orientation sessions are offered at the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. You must register for an orientation session on or before Dec. 15. For more information, visit the Orientation and First Year Experience website.
Transfer Students - Spring 2025 Deadlines
Sept. 20: Application Deadline Extended
CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications for non-impacted programs and some impacted programs – (Pre-Criminal Justice, Pre-Psychology and Kinesiology - Allied Health programs only) via Cal State Apply from transfer and first-year students Aug. 1 through Sept. 20.
All 23 CSU campuses use the Cal State Apply application. There is a $70 application fee per campus you choose to send your application to.
Sept. 30: Veteran & Returning Students Application Deadline
CSUSB will extend the application deadline for veteran and returning students. CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications via Cal State Apply from veteran and returning CSUSB students Aug. 1 through Sept. 30.
All 23 CSU campuses use the Cal State Apply application. There is a $70 application fee per campus you choose to send your application to.
Sept. 30: Final Document Deadline
CSUSB requires that all admission requirements (Golden 4, units, GPA requirements, supplemental requirements) must be completed by the end of summer for spring admission.
All incoming students will be required to submit official final transcripts from every institution attended regardless of relevance the courses taken may have to the major you are applying to at CSUSB. This includes schools that you have current attendance.
Transcripts must reflect completed spring and/or summer course grades. Fall coursework will not be accepted to meet admission requirements.
Students should submit these as soon as they are available but no later than Sept. 30. Additional documents, such as test scores, may also be required.
For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB will create a To-Do list for each student. For more information, please visit our Submitting Documents webpage.
Nov. 15: Residency Document Deadline
Residency for tuition purposes affects whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition fees. It is strongly advised that residency supporting documents are submitted as soon as possible. See our Establishing Residency webpage for more details.
Nov. 30: Accept/Decline Deadline
Your admission decision is based on many factors and does not reflect your academic achievements.
After being offered admission, all students must formally accept their offer by Nov. 30 in order to secure their spot for spring enrollment. More information can be found on our Accept your Admission webpage.
Dec. 15: Transfer Orientation Deadline
Orientation is a mandatory program for all newly admitted students into CSUSB and is an on-campus experience that includes:
- Introduction to campus resources and services
- Academic advising
- Opportunities to learn about campus life
- Information on course registration
- Social programming to connect you to campus
Sessions are offered at the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. You must register for an orientation session on or before Dec. 15. For more information, visit the Transfer Orientation webpage.
First-Year Students - Fall 2025 Deadlines
Application Deadlines
Extended to January 31: Impacted and non-impacted majors
June 30: Recently released veteran and returning CSUSB students
CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications via Cal State Apply from first-year students Oct. 1 through Dec. 16 for both impacted majors and non-impacted majors.
All 23 California State University (CSU) campuses use the standard Cal State Apply application system. Each submitted application per CSU campus has a $70 fee.
Feb. 14: 7th Semester Transcript Due for EOP Applicants
First-year students will need to submit their 7th semester transcript to the Office of Admissions by Feb. 14.
Students should regularly check their To-Do list, located in their myCoyote account, for an individualized list of all documents needed, including due dates for each item.
Feb. 14: Residency Document Deadline
Residency for tuition purposes affects whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition fees. It is strongly advised that residency supporting documents are submitted as soon as possible. See our Establishing Residency webpage for more details.
May 1: Accept/Decline Deadline
After being offered admission, all students must formally accept their offer of admissions to secure a spot for the fall enrollment term. For assistance, view the Accept your Admission webpage.
June 15: First-Year Orientation Deadline
Orientation is a mandatory program for all newly admitted students into CSUSB. It is designed to transition you to life in college and the CSUSB campus, as well as assist you in becoming familiar with the wide range of academic opportunities available at CSUSB. Orientation sessions are offered at the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. You must register for an orientation session on or before June 15. For more information, visit the Orientation and First Year Experience website.
July 15: Final Document/Transcript Deadline
All incoming students must submit their final official high school transcripts reflecting a graduation date and all course grades earned in ninth through 12th grade.
Students should submit these as soon as available but no later than July 15.
Additional documents, such as test scores, may also be required. For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB will create a To-Do list for each student in your myCoyote account with a personalized list of documents. For more information, please visit the Submitting Documents website.
Transfer Students - Fall 2025 Deadlines
Application Deadline
Extended to January 31: Impacted and non-impacted majors (EXCEPT Transfer Pre-Nursing)
CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications from transfer students for both impacted and non-impacted majors via Cal State Apply between Oct. 1 through Dec. 16.
All 23 CSU campuses use the Cal State Apply application. There is a $70 application fee per campus you choose to send your application to.
June 30: Veteran & Returning Students Application Deadline
CSUSB will accept undergraduate applications via Cal State Apply from veteran and returning CSUSB students Oct. 1 through June 30.
All 23 CSU campuses use the Cal State Apply application. There is a $70 application fee per campus you choose to send your application to.
Feb. 14: Residency Document Deadline
Residency for tuition purposes affects whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition fees. It is strongly advised that residency supporting documents are submitted as soon as possible. See our Establishing Residency webpage for more details.
Feb. 14: Partial Document/Transcript Deadline
All incoming students will be required to submit official transcripts from every institution you have attended regardless of relevance the courses taken may have to the major you are applying to at CSUSB. This includes schools that you have current attendance.
Students should submit their transcripts as soon as they are available but no later than Feb. 14. Additional documents, such as test scores, may also be required.
For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB will create a To-Do list for each student. For more information, please visit our Submitting Documents webpage.
May 1: Accept/Decline Deadline
Your admission decision is based on many factors and does not reflect your academic achievements. After being offered admission, all students must formally accept by May 1 in order to secure a spot for fall enrollment.
More information can be found on our Accept your Admission webpage.
July 15: Transfer Orientation Deadline
Orientation is a mandatory program for all newly admitted students into CSUSB and is an on-campus experience that includes:
- Introduction to campus resources and services
- Academic advising
- Opportunities to learn about campus life
- Information on course registration
- Social programming to connect you to campus
Sessions are offered at the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. You must register for an orientation session on or before July 15. For more information, visit the Transfer Orientation webpage.
July 15: Final Document/Transcript Deadline
All incoming students will be required to submit all outstanding final official transcripts reflecting completed spring course grades. Students should submit these as soon as they are available but no later than July 15.
Additional documents, such as test scores, may also be required.
For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB will create a To-Do list for each student. For more information, please visit our Submitting Documents webpage.
Upcoming Events
Dream the Impossible Native Youth Conference 2025
Black and Educated for admitted students & their families
CSUSB Degrees and Majors
CSUSB offers over 70 traditional bachelor's and master's degree programs, along with education credential and certificate programs, and even a doctoral program, all housed within five academic colleges and a Palm Desert Campus.
Impacted majors are only accepted for fall term:
- Pre-Criminal Justice
- Pre-Nursing
- Pre-Psychology (Includes Biology Psychology and Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
- Pre-Social Work
- Kinesiology-Allied Health
Program Highlights
Coyote Life
Our affinity centers, housed in the Santos Manuel Student Union North, serve as social hubs for students to find like-minded peers that share interests, lifestyles, and goals. Immerse yourself in a community, attend year-round events, and find life-long friends by visiting our list of affinity centers:
Students also have full access to the Student Recreation and Wellness Center and the Gamers Lounge.
At the Palm Desert Campus, Rancho Mirage Student Center hosts events, dances, indoor and outdoor activities, plus game nights.
SMSU Sneak Peek: The Pack Experience with Near Peer
Near Peer is an exclusive social app designed for CSUSB students and admitted students. It is a way to explore what fellow Coyotes are sharing about their experiences and make connections! Admitted students gain access to the app during orientation.