Coalitions of the Weak: Elite Politics in China from Mao's Stratagem to the Rise of Xi, with Dr. Victor Shih (UCSD)
September 19, 2022
11:00am - 12:15pm
Zoom Link:

Please join us for a lecture and discussion with UC San Diego Political Scientist, Dr. Victor Shih (link), who will discuss his recent book, Coalitions of the Weak: Elite Politics in China from Mao's Stratagem to the Rise of Xi (Cambridge, 2022, link).
Zoom Link:
Further talks details pending.
Presented by the CSUSB History Department, the History Club/Phi Alpha Theta, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Jack Brown College of Business and Public Administration, and the Intellectual Life Fund. Please contact Jeremy Murray ( with any questions. Series organizers are Jeremy Murray and Alexander Serrano. Find out more about the series at this link.