Twenty-Five Years After Tiananmen Square: A CSUSB Campus and Community Conversation
June 4, 2014
12:30pm - 2:30pm
John M. Pfau Library PL-4005

Please join members of the CSUSB faculty for a conversation about the 1989 spring protests in the People’s Republic of China 25 years ago. The events in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, leading up to the crackdown of June 4, 1989, were a pivotal moment in China’s recent history, and also had a profound impact on Americans and world observers of China. News crews broadcast iconic images of Chinese workers and students in Tiananmen Square, including that of a young man standing in front of a line of tanks. Please join us to discuss these events, how they influenced the Beijing regime, how they shaped Sino-U.S. relations in the aftermath, and what their relevance may be today and moving forward, in China and around the world.