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Q2S Q&A with the Experts

Q2S Q&A with the Experts

February 25, 2020
2:00pm - 4:00pm
IW 206
Q2S Awareness Day @ PDC. Best Practices to Transition Courses in IW 206 from 10:30-11am; GE Info Session in IW 206 from 11am-12pm; Staff Info Session in IW 206; Q2S with Experts in IW 206 from 2-4pm

Semester Conversion is hosting a few events next week geared towards faculty and staff. On February 25, 2020, there will be a Best Practices to Transition Courses hosted by ATI in IW 206 from 10:30-11am. A GE Info Session hosted by Dr. Janelle Gilbert in IW 206 from 11am-12pm. Wrapping up the day is a Q2S Q&A with Experts in IW 206 from 2-4pm. Come ask all your Q2S related questions!