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Falling By Mathew Rosenblum

Falling By Mathew Rosenblum

October 27, 2019
4:00pm - 5:00pm
PA 102

Soprano Stacey Fraser and Dancer/Choreographer Faith Jensen-Ismay team up with artistic director Aron Kallay and the Grammy nominated and winning players of the LA based ensemble Brightwork newmusic to present a new staging of critically acclaimed composer Mathew Rosenblum's Falling. This new adaptation of Rosenblum's innovative and provocative work will be presented on the California State University San Bernardino campus in the Performing Arts Recital Hall at 4pm, Sunday October 27th, 2019. This team of artists will perform the work under the baton of Maestro Anthony Parnther, whose current posts include Music Director of the Southeast Symphony and most recently, the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra.

Falling (2013), a 25-minute chamber work for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano, and pre-recorded audio is based on a James Dickey poem of the same name that traces a flight attendant’s fall from an airplane (based on an actual New York Times article). In this piece, the composer integrates an old LP recorded reading of the poem by the author. The interwoven recorded and sung text and accompanying music kaleidoscopically detail the flight attendant’s intense and transformative psychological and physical journey to the ground. This new staging of the work will incorporate the additional element of dance whereby the flight attendant's act of "falling" is physically depicted by critically acclaimed modern dancer/choreographer Faith Jensen-Ismay.

Lighting design and the digital mapping of projection in real time by CSUSB Professor of Theatre Jason Mann will be an integral component to the telling of the story. The production will also feature the work of talented costume designer and CSUSB Professor of Theatre Andre Harrington. Falling will receive its West Coast premiere at Boston Court in Pasadena on October 5th, 2019 and will have several repeat performances at various venues and campuses including California State University Dominguez Hills on October 15, 2019, The Vine Theatre at the Bernardo Winery in San Diego, CA, on October 19th and 20th, 2019, Meng Hall at California State University Fullerton on February 26th, 2020 and the New Hazlett Theatre in Pittsburgh, CA on February 28th, 2020. For further information, please visit