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Mini-conference: Holistic education

Mini-conference: Holistic education

October 5, 2019
8:00am - 5:00pm
CE 103, CE-104, CE 101, CE-105, CE-106, CE-107
A mini-conference with three invited well known speakers focused on holistic education. The conference is free and open to all southern California educators. The event will include an interactive panel discussion on the commonalities and differences in a holistic perspective and an indigenous perspective on education, as well as a number of breakout sessions in additional time slots. The panel will consist of three prominent guest speakers: Dr. Greg Cajete, University of New Mexico and perhaps the best known Native American educator and author of a number of books including “Look to the mountain”; Dr. Jack Miller, University of Toronto and international leader in Holistic Education; and Dr. Vicki Kelley, Simon Frazier University and respected First Nations’ (Canada) educator.