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Death Valley Camp and Explore - SBC

Death Valley Camp and Explore - SBC

November 1, 2024 - November 3, 2024
10:00am - 9:00pm
Death Valley National Park


Death Valley National Park is the largest National Park in the lower 48 states and it is a place filled with great beauty and natural wonderments! On this 3 day and 2 night trip we will camp and explore the dramatic colors of the desert landscape as well as the historical features of the park.  We plan to visit Badwater, the lowest point in the western hemisphere at 282 feet / 86 meters below sea level as well as explore the lunar landscape of Zabriskie Point, play on the sand dunes and view Dante’s Peak.  We will explore the park by foot and by vehicle during the day and enjoy evenings around the campfire.

Trip Cost     
SRWC Member: $130
Faculty, Staff, Non-Enrolled CSUSB Student, and Alumni Association: $160
Affiliate: $175
Sponsored Guest: $190  
Pre-Trip Meeting / Sign-Up Deadline
October 29, 2024 @ 6pm

Activity Level 
3 - Adventurous

Trip Departs From
CSUSB Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Day 1: Participants will meet out in front of CSUSB’s SRWC (Student Recreation Wellness Center) at 10:00am. You will then have a 4 & ½ hour drive, approximately 242 miles / 386 km, to Death Valley National Park. Upon arrival you will have a chance see the sunset from Zabriske Point after visiting Dante’s View and 20 Mule Team Canyon.  After you will drive to the local campsite nearby, and from there it is a group effort to set up camp and cook dinner. The rest of the evening is spent around the campfire sharing stories and eating s’mores.

Day 2: Day two is an early wake up early to see the sunrise from Zabriske point, then get back to have breakfast around 800am. We will then head to Badwater, the lowest point in North America, do a short hike to Natural Bridge, and visit Devils Golf Course and Artist Drive.  After all this we will return to camp to eat lunch.  At the end of this long day, we will have a good dinner and another chance at a campfire under the stars.

Day 3: Day three begins with a breakfast at camp and packing lunch.  After cleaning up camp we will be visiting the Harmony Borax Works Visitor Center in Furnace Creek and then drive over to Stovepipe Wells Village.  We will be hiking in the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and visiting Mosaic Canyon.  If time allows we may also visit Darwin Falls before leaving the park on our way home.

Packing List


6 meals are included, starting with dinner on day 1 (2 breakfasts,2 lunches, and 2 dinner)
2 meal is not included (1 lunch and 1 dinner). Bring money. 

Hygiene and Comfort
We will be staying in reserved campsites. The campsites are within close proximity to drinking water, vault toilets and there are NO showers. You will have the option to share a tent with one or two people or sleep out under the cover of the stars.  Light weight tents, warm synthetic sleeping bags, foam pads and ground tarps will be provided to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. The ground consists of hard and soft soil.  

Risk / Hazards / Safety 

Cancellation Policy    

How to Register

Registration Opens 9/1/24 at 8:00am