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Cladea Leadership Seminar & Workshop

Cladea Leadership Seminar & Workshop

March 15, 2016 - March 17, 2016
8:00am - 12:00pm
CSUSB (PL-5005)

The College of Business and Public Administration and the Latin American Commission for Administration Schools or CLADEA (in its Spanish acronym) are developing an inaugural workshop on leadership and ethics. This 2-day event will be held from March 15 until the 17, 2016 on campus. The workshop titled The Global Imperative for Higher Education Leadership / El imperativo global por liderazgo en educaciĆ³n superior will bring together approximately 30 academic leaders from throughout Latin America and other parts of the world to discuss the applications of leadership and ethics in their work. This workshop will not only provide an opportunity for the attendees but also for the whole CSUSB campus community to network and meet academic leaders from throughout the world. For more information, please contact the workshop lead, Dr. Kimberly Collins from the Public Administration Department at