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Spotlight on Innovators: Dr. Rajrani Karla on A Geospatial Approach on Analyzing Spatial Patterns of Urban Areas

Spotlight on Innovators: Dr. Rajrani Karla on A Geospatial Approach on Analyzing Spatial Patterns of Urban Areas

May 13, 2016
10:30am - 12:00pm
IDEA Lab, PL 003

Event co-sponsored by ATI and TRC. The event will be recorded and light lunch will be offered. Laptops will be provided.

The “Spotlight on Innovators” series hosts 90-minutes workshops/presentation by campus faculty on how they integrate pedagogy and technology into their education practice. The series is organized around the question: How do imaginative educators turn disruptive ideas into inspired teaching? In her presentation, Dr. Karla will explain the pedagogical use of various geospatial techniques (GIS, Web mapping, Story Maps) to enhance teaching and illuminate the determinants of urban landscapes such as ethnic distribution, segregation and population clusters.