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New literacies: Plagiarism in the Digital Age

New literacies: Plagiarism in the Digital Age

June 1, 2016
12:30pm - 2:00pm
FO 177

Event co-sponsored by ATI, the Pfau Library and TRC. Light lunch offered. 

Today’s students are immersed in a sea of digital information, write more than ever before (although not academic prose), and experiment with cultural bricolage such as mashups and remixes thanks to a bewildering array of “maker” multimedia tools. In the digital age, what constitutes plagiarism is not always obvious. The issue invites deeper questions about how we think of “texts” and literacy, the social production of knowledge and nature of authorship, as well as source attribution and other elements of critical information literacy. We invite you to this brown bag conversation with peers about academic ethics, academic standards, and helping students understand them.