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February 8, 2017
2:00pm - 3:30pm

Greetings Campus Community!We would like to invite any LGBTQ+ identified faculty, staff, and students to join us for our next monthly meeting. We will meet on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:00 PM in room 313 in the College of Education.

The LGBTQA Faculty Staff and Student Association is an affinity group for students, staff, and faculty who identify as part of the community. This affinity group is similar to the BFSSA (Black Faculty Staff and Student Association), ALFSS (Association of Latino Faculty, Staff and Students), etc. In the past, the LGBTQAFSSA has fundraised and organized Lavender Graduation, co-organized Q-Summit, and held some small-scale events. The future of the LGBTQAFSSA is up to us.

Our aim is to build the LGBTQ+ community on campus in a variety of ways and to increase collaboration, social justice, and resource-building. These meetings have been established to facilitate conversations amongst faculty, staff, and students on various subjects as they relate to members of the LGBTQ+ community and our campus.

Please join us and feel free to invite anyone who may be interested, including students, staff, faculty and administrators.

To join the list serve or to recommend people to be added to this list serve, subscribe here:

Thank you and we hope to see many of you at our next meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best, Heather Webster-Henry LGBTQ+ Student, Staff, and Faculty Association