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Course redesign with adaptive learning systems (co-sponsorhip Chancellor’s Office, ATI, TRC)

Course redesign with adaptive learning systems (co-sponsorhip Chancellor’s Office, ATI, TRC)

March 3, 2017
9:00am - 3:00pm
PL 4005A

 *Breakfast and lunch offered

Adaptive learning refers to a method of instruction that employ technologies which modify course activities (content, sequence or assessments) in real time in response to student performance. For example, Khan Academy uses an adaptive system to offer suggestions, customized course pathways, and personalized coaching. Preliminary evidence indicates that adaptive courseware can help improve student success. However, the variety of existing systems can often confuse faculty.

In this interactive day-long workshop, Dale Johnson, Adaptive Program Manager at Arizona State University, will overview the factors to consider when choosing an adaptive learning system for your class, including: opportunities and challenges for learning; types of systems; how to evaluate them for adoption; what is involved in their implementation; what student data they collect; and, what pedagogical insights they can offer. 

This is a regional event open to the CSUSB community, as well as faculty from other campuses. CSU Course Redesign with Technology grant recipients are particularly welcome. Participants are welcome to attend the entire workshop or portions of it. Free parking tickets provided for CRT grant recipients from other campuses.