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Spirits Of Rebellion: Free Film Screening & Discussion with Zeinabu Irene Davis

Spirits Of Rebellion: Free Film Screening & Discussion with Zeinabu Irene Davis

April 27, 2017
6:00pm - 8:00pm
PL 5005

Winner of the Best Diaspora Documentary Award at the African Movie Academy Awards, & winner of the Best Feature Documentary at the San Diego Film Awards, Spirits Of Rebellion (2016, 101 min.) is a feature documentary about a small group of critically acclaimed black filmmakers named the Los Angeles Rebellion by historians & critics. Headlined by Julie Dash, Haile Gerima, & Charles Burnett, the LA Rebellion was one of the first collectives of black film artists to tell stories about & for their own communities. 

ZEINABU IRENE DAVIS is a longtime independent filmmaker & Professor of Communication at University of California, San Diego.

For more information, contact Prof. Jason Perez:

This event is presented by the Department of English, English Club, Black Faculty, Staff, & Student Association, University Diversity Committee, & Intellectual Life Fund.