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Survivor Love Letter: Speak out and Ally Training (ESVT Qualifying Event)

Survivor Love Letter: Speak out and Ally Training (ESVT Qualifying Event)

February 15, 2018
12:00pm - 1:30pm
SMSU Fourplex 215/216

#SurvivorLoveLetter is a social media campaign started by activist and survivor Tani Ikeda in 2015 as a way to give new meaning to the anniversary date of her sexual assault. She decided to start a campaign where survivors can write a handwritten declaration of self-love or anyone can honor a survivor in their life.

In this event VOICE Peer Educators and the Campus Advocate train students to be allies to survivors as well as create a safe space for survivors to tell their testimonies, share their experiences, and/or declarations of self-love. First we will begin by defining and identifying what abuse is, then we will go over dynamics and effects of abuse, do’s and don'ts of responding to survivors, and finally we will hear from a few featured survivors before opening the floor for anyone present who wants to share their story.

This event will have pizza and it satisfies the mandatory yearly End Sexual Violence Training requirement--bring your Coyote ID.

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Flyer image: Envelope with hearts coming outHeader: Presented by Osher Adult Re-Entry Center & CSUSB VOICE PeersTitle: Survivor Love LetterThursday, February 15 SMSU Fourplex (SU 215-216)12-2pmPizza will be providedImage of a seal: Let's Get it Done, End Sexual Violence Training 2017-2018Footer: For accessibility accomodations please contact