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Healthy Relationships (ESVT Qualifying Event)

Healthy Relationships (ESVT Qualifying Event)

February 7, 2018
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Lower Commons, Eucalyptus Room

What does it take to be in a healthy relationship? Join us to learn the seven qualities of a healthy relationship, how to “fight fair,” and the difference between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships through interactive activities and group discussion.

This event will have pizza.

This event satisfies the mandatory yearly End Sexual Violence Training requirement--bring your Coyote ID.


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Flyer image: Two fingers drawn to look happy and hugging with a word bubble that says "free pizza!" and the difference between healthy, unhealthy and abusive.Header: Presented by Counseling and Psychological Services & CSUSB VOICE PeersTitle: Healthy RelationshipsWednesday, February 7Lower Commons, Eucalyptus RoomNoon-1:30 PMImage of a seal: Let's Get it Done, End Sexual Violence Training 2017-2018Join VOICE and the Campus Advocate for an interactive workshop about the 7 qualities of a healthy relationship, how to "fight fair" Footer: For accessibility accomodations please contact