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Job Placement Circle

Job Placement Circle

February 8, 2018
10:00am - 2:00pm
Pine room, Lower Commons

WorkAbility IV students!

Come interview with Human Resource Recruiters from the Inland Empire.

Call Leigh Connell at 909-537-7417 to RSVP to interview with Inland Empire HR recruiters.  Leigh will schedule a ½ hour interview for you with a Human Resource recruiter.  The WorkAbility IV staff will help you prepare your résumé, cover letter and mock interview for this event.  After your scheduled interview on February 2nd, the recruiter will fill out a feedback sheet about your interviewing skills, what you did well, what can be improved, and inform you of the application procedures to apply for a job with their company.  There are F/T and P/T jobs available.  Whether you are job ready or learning how to prepare for employment, the Job Placement Circle is for you.

To request accommodations please contact WA-IV (909) 537-7207 or at least 72 hours in advance of event.