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Why Israel Matters

Why Israel Matters

November 14, 2018
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Indian Wells Theater
Why is this land so critical? Why does it matter who occupies this land? This discussion about the experience of war will focus on the relationship of a people to the land; the Jews to Israel. This example seeks to explain what it means to be indigenous to the land and to be threatened with the loss of that land. Come and learn more about the historical context behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and why Israel matters so much to the Jews in Israel today and around the world throughout time. With input from a panel of speakers, film clips, and facilitated discussion, we will consider the status, birth, and development of Israel, from an historical perspective up until modern times. This event is a part of OLLI's Humanities and the Experience of War programing, a series of multigenerational, community-wide conversations.