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Black Canyon Paddle and Hot Springs

Black Canyon Paddle and Hot Springs

August 15, 2019 - August 17, 2019
2:00pm - 10:00pm
Colorado River









Paddling the Black Canyon of the Colorado River below Hover Dam is awesome! It’s the perfect kayaking adventure in Black Canyon. The lower Colorado River is moving flat water with no rapids - just beautiful green waters. It is perfect for beginner and seasoned paddlers alike. Our kayaks will take us between towering cliffs and looming canyon walls as we navigate the flat moving water of the river. We will be abel to explore side canyons, soak in hot springs and sleep on the rivers edge. 









Trip Cost     
SRWC Member: $120
Faculty, Staff, Non Enrolled CSUSB Student, and Alumni Association: $150
Affiliate: $165
Sponsored Guest: $240
Pre-Trip Meeting / Sign Up Deadline
November 12, 2019, 6pm @ SRWC

No Pre-Trip Meeting 

Trip Departs From
CSUSB Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Activity Level
3 - Adventurous 

Day 1: We will meet at the Student Recreation and Welness Center at 2pm on Friday afternoon to pack up the van and make sure we all have the necessary and proper gear and attire for a successful trip. Our drive is roughly 240 miles (4-5 hours) with stops for lunch and whenever we have to fill up our van with gas. Upon arrival in Boulder City, NV, we will find a place to eat dinner before heading to our campsite in Boulder Beach Campground and set up camp. The rest of the night is left for relaxing around the fire and getting ready for a good night’s sleep.

Day 2: Saturday morning will be an early start, for we have to meet our outfitters early! The morning will consist of packing up camp, having breakfast, and packing our camping gear into our dry bags and kayaks, ready to go into the water. Having everything packed and ready will make our launch time more efficient. We will check out of camp and meet the outfitters who will drive us to the base of the Hoover dam where we will launch our kayaks. Along the 4 miles to our riverside camp we will explore side canyons, natural hot springs and the famous sauna cave. That night will end at our river side campground that offers stunning views of the river as we rest up for the next day.

Day 3: After spending the night on the river and one last soak in the hot pools, we pack up camp for an 8 mile leisurely paddle down river towards our take out at Willow Beach.  Once off the river we’ll pack-up the van drive into the city to grab a bite to eat before we make way back to CSUSB!



5 meals are included, starting with breakfast on day 2 (2 breakfast, 2 lunches, and 1 dinner)
2 meals are not included (2 dinners) 

Hygiene and Comfort
We will be staying at reserved campsites the first night that has flush toilets and drining water. We will be packing our all our food, shelter, clothing, drinking water, and equipment in our boats on day 2 and paddle to our riverside campsite.  Along the river we will practive Leave No Trace methods to dispose of trash and human waste. The campsite we wil be at for night 2 and the morning of day 3 has a pit toilet, and no showers. You will have the option to share a tent with one or two people or sleep out under the cover of the stars.  Light weight tents, warm synthetic sleeping bags, foam pads and ground tarps will be provided to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. The ground consists of sand, rocks, and soft soil.  

Risk / Hazards / Safety

Cancelation Policy 
How to Register