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Mojave Camp and Explore

Mojave Camp and Explore

August 12, 2019 - August 13, 2019
7:00am - 8:00pm
Mojave National Preserve









Mojave National Preserve is one of California’s newest National Preserves. On this two day, one night trip  we will explore lava tubes, summit the 650' high Kelso Dunes, explore, and hike the 'Hole-in-the-Wall' Trail. We will be traveling by foot and car by day and night will be filled with warm campfires and s'mores. Mitchel Caverns will not be part of this trip and the price has been reduced.

Trip Cost     
SRWC Member: $70
Faculty, Staff, Non Enrolled CSUSB Student, and Alumni Association: $83
Affiliate: $117
Sponsored Guest: $140          

Pre-Trip Meeting / Sign-Up Deadline
October 10, 2019, 6pm @ SRWC

Trip Departs From
CSUSB Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Activity Level
2 - Active









Day 1: We will meet at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center at 700am to pack up the van and make sure we all have the necessary and proper gear and attire for a successful trip. Then it’s a nice 180 mile drive (3 hours) to the Mojave National Preserve to explore Mitchel Caversn. We then set up camp and go for a hike before dinner and a campfire.

Day 3: Its rise and shine at 800am for some breakfast, packing some lunch and breaking down camp. We will drive to the lava tubes to explore, and then it’s off to the Kelso Depot visitors Center and to the Kelso dunes. The group will then be on the road by approximately 4:00pm heading back to CSUSB. We will stop on the way home for dinner. (Dinner is not provided, please bring money). You will arrive back home at CSUSB by 800pm that night.



4 meals are included, starting with lunch on day 1 (1 breakfast, 2 lunches, and 1 dinner)
1 meal is not included (dinner on day 2). Bring money. 

Hygiene and Comfort
We will be staying in reserved campsites. The campsites are within close proximity to vault toilets and running water. You will have the option to share a tent with one or two people or sleep out under the cover of the stars.  Light weight tents, warm synthetic sleeping bags, foam pads and ground tarps will be provided to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. The ground consists of soft to hard soil. 
Risk / Hazards / Safety

Cancelation Policy

How to Register