5 Colleges With NSA-Recognized Cyber Security Programs

Cybersecurity degrees might not be as common as engineering or computer science degrees, but there are already a number of colleges and universities that offer cybersecurity programs. Those who are interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity will find themselves as among the first line of defense against cyber attacks and cyber crimes in the future. Here are five colleges that have been recognized by the National Security Agency (NSA) for offering such programs.
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon has cybersecurity programs from their undergraduate to Ph.D. programs. For the undergraduate course, they are offering the Computer Information Systems Undergraduate Program: Information Assurance Track. One of their master's programs is the Masters of Science in Information Security, where the main focus is handling and managing the emerging complexities of information technology, including data and network security. They also offer a Ph.D. in ECE: Mobility Research Center, where the focus is on mobile devices and the improvement of mobile network and security.
California State University - San Bernardino
The California State University - San Bernardino offers certifications in different cybersecurity areas. Their Business Administration, Concentration: Cyber Security is one of the first cybersecurity programs in California. The university has received various grants from different state and federal agencies, such as the Department of Defense, allowing them to offer multiple cybersecurity programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
George Washington University
George Washington University in Washington, D.C. has a lot of NSA-recognized cybersecurity programs in both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Moreover, they also offer online degree programs, although it is only for those who are pursuing a master's degree in cybersecurity. One of these programs is the Online Master of Engineering in Cyber Security Policy & Compliance, which incorporates engineering and computer science courses.
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Located in Rolla, Missouri, the institution offers two NSA-recognized cybersecurity programs: Big Data Management and Security Graduate Certificate and Information Assurance & Security Officer Essentials Graduate Certificate. Admission to the program requires a B.S. degree in any engineering field with an average GPA score of 3.0.
Purdue University
Purdue University offers several graduate and undergraduate cybersecurity programs recognized by the NSA. The highest one can get a Ph.D. in Computer Science with an Info-Security Focus. According to the university's website, the average time to complete the Ph.D. degree is five years, provided the student has an excellent undergraduate background in computer science.