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Student Mentoring Program at CSUSB

Welcome to the Student Mentoring Program

The mission of the Mentoring Program at CSUSB is to retain and support undergraduate students through; proactive mentoring, outreach, advocacy, community building, career coaching, academic success programming, personal growth and awareness opportunities.

Mentoring services are available to all CSUSB students. Our programs and mentors, both peer and professional serve Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. 

Connect with a student mentor

The Student Mentoring Program fosters the success of first year undergraduate students through peer-to-peer programs that encourage academic excellence, campus connectedness and engagement, personal growth, and professional development of participating students. Students have the opportunity to talk through their college experiences, gain access to campus resources, develop goal setting and time management skills, ask questions, engage in non-academic activities, and much more with peers who have successfully navigated their first year of college.  

Request a Student Mentor