Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena)
Grosbeaks & Buntings
Summer and Spring

Lazuli Bunting, male - San Bernardino Mountains, CA
© Tom Benson

Lazuli Bunting, male - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson
The Lazuli Bunting is a fairly common breeding bird on campus in the CSUSB Preserve from April through September. Males are easiest to find during April and May mornings when they sing from exposed perches in coastal sage scrub in the Preserve. The Lazuli Bunting is a common migrant in southern California and is a fairly common breeder in the mountains and foothills.
High Count: 15, Average Count: 2-4
Male Lazuli Buntings can be identified by their bright blue head and upperparts, orangish breast, and white wing bars and belly. Females are brown overall, but still show an orangish breast and pale wing bars.