Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoenicius)

Red-winged Blackbird, male - Rollins Savanna, IL
© Tom Benson

Red-winged Blackbird, male - San Bernardino, CA
© Tom Benson
The Red-winged Blackbird is an uncommon, year-round visitor to campus. Small flocks or individuals may be found on campus associating with large flocks of Brewer's Blackbirds, or in the the marshy ponds around Badger Hill. They are a common, year-round breeding resident throughout southern California.
High Count: 50, Average Count: 2-10
Adult male Red-winged Blackbirds are entirely black with a red 'shoulder' patch bordered by yellow below. In fall when in fresh plumage, males may have extensive rusty tips to the black feathers and the red patch may be obscured. Females and juvenile males are heavily streaked brown overall, with a buffy supercilium (line above the eye) and throat, and rusty edges to the feathers of the upperparts.