Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)
Chats & Blackbirds
Summer and Spring

Bullock's Oriole, male - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson

Bullock's Oriole, male - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson
The Bullock's Oriole is a common breeding bird on campus from mid March through August. Two late migrants were observed on campus 03 Oct 2009. It is a common migrant and breeding resident throughout southern California, and a rare winter visitor along the coast.
High Count: 15, Average Count: 2-5
Adult male Bullock's Orioles have bright yellow-orange face and underparts, black chin, eye stripe, crown and upperparts, and a white wing patch. Females and immature males have dull yellow heads and under tails, gray upperparts, and grayish-white underparts. Immature males may show a black chin and eye line.