House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

House Sparrow, male - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson

House Sparrow, female - Devore, CA
© Brad Singer
The House Sparrow is common year-round, breeding resident on campus. They are often seen in small flocks chattering noisily from a hedge or other dense brush. It is a common breeding resident in populated areas of southern California, especially McDonald's parking lots (and other locations where french fries are available). House Sparrows were introduced to the United States in the mid-1800s and are now one of the most common birds in the country.
High Count: 50, Average Count: 10
Adult male House Sparrows have mostly chestnut brown upperparts, a gray cap, white cheeks, black chin and breast, and pale gray underparts. Females have streaky brown upperparts, pale gray-brown underparts, and a brown eye line and cap separated by a buffy supercilium (line above the eye).