Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)

Western Kingbird, adult - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson

Western Kingbird, nestlings - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson
The Western Kingbird is a fairly common breeding resident on campus from mid March-June, becoming uncommon in July-August. There are two record of late migrants: 07 Oct 2009 and 30 Sep 2012. It can be seen anywhere on campus. The nest in the above photo was located in a eucalyptus tree near the intersection of Northpark Boulevard and Sierra Drive. It is a common breeding bird and migrant throughout southern California.
High Count: 15, Average Count: 3-6
The Western Kingbird can be distinguished from the similar looking Cassin's Kingbird by its light gray head that blends into a white chin, yellow belly, and black tail with white edges to the outer tail feathers.