Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans)

Black Phoebe - San Bernardino, CA
© Tom Benson

Black Phoebe - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson
The Black Phoebe is a common year-round, breeding resident on campus. They build their cup-shaped, mud nests on the sides of buildings, usually under an overhang. The Black Phoebe is a common resident in southern California, and is frequently found near water (streams, ponds, leaky sprinklers, etc.).
High Count: 15, Average Count: 4-8
The adult Black Phoebe is black with a white belly and two white wing bars. Juveniles are similar but have two rust-colored wing bars. Like most flycatchers, they are often seen on an exposed perch from whence they will fly out to catch insects and return to the same perch.