American Coot (Fulica americana)

American Coot, adult - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson

American Coot, chick - Mojave Desert, CA
© Tom Benson
The American Coot is a rare visitor to campus, although it may be abundant depending upon the presence of water in the basins around campus. A large number (high count: 161) were present in the flooded basins north of Badger Hill from October 2011-November 2012, including several that remained to breed during the the summer. Prior to 2011 the only occurrence was one was seen 07-12 Feb 2010, and since 2012 the only occurrence was one seen 13-28 Mar 2014; both were in flooded basins around Badger Hill. The American Coot is a common, year-round breeding resident in southern California almost anywhere there is open water, however it is much more abundant in the winter than in the summer.
The American Coot is black or dark gray overall with a white bill and red eye.