Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata)
Pigeons & Cuckoos

Band-tailed Pigeon, adult - Idyllwild, CA
© Tom Benson

Band-tailed Pigeon, juvenile - CSU San Bernardino
© Tom Benson
The Band-tailed Pigeon is an uncommon year-round resident on campus, although it is noticeably scarce between June and Auguast. They feed on acorns and can often be found on campus in the oak trees in Parking Lot C or perched at the tops of trees surrounding it. It is a common breeding resident the foothills and mountains of southern California, especially where oak trees are abundant.
High Count: 45, Average Count: 10
Band-tailed Pigeons are gray overall, with a grayish-purple head and underparts, a wide pale gray tail band, a white collar on the hindneck, and an orange bill with a black tip.