Wilson's Snipe (Gallinago delicata)
Rails, Shorebirds, & Gulls

Wilson's Snipe - Mojave Desert, CA © Tom Benson

Wilson's Snipe - Mojave Desert, CA © Tom Benson
The Wilson's Snipe is a casual visitor to campus: one was present in the ponds north of Badger Hill 14 Nov 2011-10 Jan 2012, and another was seen 19 Oct-25 Nov 2012. It is an uncommon migrant and wintering bird in wetlands throughout southern California, and a rare breeder in the San Jacinto Mountains.The Wilson's Snipe can be identified by its plump-bodied, no-necked appearance, and long, straight bill. It is well-camouflaged with its streaked head and upperparts and barred underparts in brown, black, tan, and white.