Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
Owls & Kingfishers

Great Horned Owl - Brawley, CA © Brad Singer

Great Horned Owl, male - CSU San Bernardino © Tom Benson
The Great Horned Owl is rare, year-round resident on campus. Prior to 2007 a pair regularly roosted in the eucalyptus and pine trees around the Physical and Biological Sciences buildings, as well as on the buildings. A pair has successfully nested on the ledges of the Pfau Library wedge on several occasions. The Great Horned Owl is a common breeding resident in southern California.The Great Horned Owl can be identified by its large size, yellow eyes, ear tufts, and overall gray and brown, barred and mottled plumage. It is generally active at night, and its hooting call has been characterized as saying 'Who's awake? Me too.'