Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri)
The Black-chinned Hummingbird is an uncommon migrant and breeding visitor on campus from April-early September. It is a common migrant throughout southern California and a fairly common breeding bird in canyons and riparian woodlands from the mountains to the coast.High Count: 8, Average Count: 1-3The adult male Black-chinned Hummingbird can be identified by its black head and chin with purple throat gorget (iridescent feathers on the throat), white breast, and green sides and upperparts. Females and immature males have a green crown and upperparts, a white chin and throat with dusky spotting, and white underparts. Females can be distinguished from female Anna's and Costa's Hummingbirds by having clean white underparts and the tail extending beyond the wingtips when perched.