Pacific-slope Flycatcher (Empidonax difficilis)

Pacific-slope Flycatcher - Whitewater, CA © Brad Singer

Pacific-slope Flycatcher - Brea, CA © Tom Benson
The Pacific-slope Flycatcher is a casual visitor to campus: fall migrants were seen 01 Oct 2002, 09 Oct 2011, 25 Sep 2013, and 28-30 Sep 2014. It is a common migrant and breeding resident in oak and riparian woodlands in southern California.The Pacific-slope Flycatcher can be identified by its olive green head and upperparts, white wing bars and teardrop-shaped eye ring, yellowish underparts, and orange lower mandible (bottom half of the bill). It is a member of the genus Empidonax, a group of notoriously difficult-to-identify flycatchers.