Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca)

Blackburnian Warbler, male - Laguna Niguel, CA © Tom Benson

Blackburnian Warbler, female - CSU San Bernardino © Tom Benson
The Blackburnian Warbler is a casual visitor to campus: a female was seen 3-6 Oct 2015 in the sycamore trees between the Commons and Serrano Village. It is a rare migrant, primarily in the fall, in southern California.Male Blackburnian Warblers can be identified by their broadly black-and-orange striped heads with orange throat, black upperparts with white stripes on the back and white wing patches, and white belly with black streaking down the sides. Females and immature males are similarly patterned, but with yellow instead of orange on the head and throat, olive green instead of black on the head and back, and two white wing bars rather than patches on each wing.