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Submitting Documents

Submitting Documents

All incoming CSUSB students will be required to submit documents to complete their admission process. However, what documents are required for your unique situation and when they are due may vary for each student.

For a personalized list of your required documents, CSUSB has created a To Do list for each student. We ask all applicants to access their myCoyote account and To Do list before submitting documents.

  • After your application has been successfully submitted and processed, CSUSB will send you an email with important information including your Coyote ID (student ID for our campus) and log in information for myCoyote account. This can take up to 2 weeks.
  • Once you activate your myCoyote account, navigate to My Tasks and then to My  To Do list. A tutorial has been created to help incoming student navigate their myCoyote account.
  • Pay close attention to your To Do list. It will be updated as additional information becomes available. Stay on track and stay connected to CSUSB.

General Document Deadlines can also be found in your Next Steps. 

2 female students sitting talking

Official Transcripts

CSUSB requires all students to turn in transcripts from all schools still listed on your myCoyote To Do List. These documents must be sent directly from the institution in which you are or have been enrolled in and contain all grades from coursework completed at those institutions. Requests for transcripts are slightly different at each school. Please reach out to every institution you have attended and place an official transcript request. Contact your school's Records  or Registrar office to request an official transcripts be sent to CSUSB.


Transcripts can be sent via electronic file transfer or through traditional physical mail.

*Please Note: Documents sent via email to CSUSB will not be considered official. Only electronic transcripts sent directly from the issuing institution through an approved and secure 3rd party will be accepted as official. 

Electronic Transcripts:

If you are submitting official documents electronically, they must be requested with enough time to ensure they are received on or before the deadline. CSUSB recommends submitting requests for electronic documents at least ten business days before a listed deadline. Electronic requests are not immediate, they require processing time from the institution you attended, so check with your institution and plan accordingly. CSUSB must receive all official transcripts on or before the deadline date listed on your To Do list inside myCoyote to be considered on time. Failure to submit documents or test scores will result in the cancellation of the student's application for admission.

Electronic Transcript providers include, but are not limited to:

  • Parchment
  • Naviance
  • Xap
  • National Clearing House

If your institution does not already have CSUSB's contact information on file, feel free to use to complete your order. 

Physical Transcripts:

Transcripts that have been printed by the issuing institution must arrive at CSUSB sealed in the original envelope in order to be considered official. Any document received without a seal will automatically be considered unofficial.

Physical transcripts may be delivered in person to the San Bernardino campus and the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment located in University Hall room 107 during regular business hours. At the Palm Desert campus transcripts can be delivered to Mary Stuart Rogers Gateway Building, inside lobby.

Transcripts can also be mailed to the campus. Mail any supporting documents for your application to:

California State University, San Bernardino

Office of Admissions & Student Recruitment

5500 University Parkway

San Bernardino, CA 92407 

Student outside in front of mountains

Test Scores

Most test scores can be reported to CSUSB through the Cal State Apply Application. When filling out the standardized test section of the application you will be asked for your College Board ID. Please make sure this is entered correctly to allow the CSU to send the scores to all campuses in which you applied.
To check where your scores were sent, or for more information on locating your College Board ID, visit Cal State University.

ACT/SAT test scores

The California State University (CSU) has suspended the use of ACT/SAT examinations in determining admission eligibility for all CSU campuses. This means that SAT and ACT scores will not be used for determining who gets admitted into the CSU.

Since ACT/SAT exam scores will not be utilized as part of admission criteria for incoming Freshmen students, students will be accessed through the Multi Factor Admission Score (MFAS). For more information about MFAS please visit our Freshman Admission site.

If you are admitted to CSUSB, ACT/SAT and Subject tests can be used for academic placement in the proper mathematics and English courses.  You can visit the CSU Student Success site for further information on course placement. If you have these scores, it would be beneficial to submit them.

To submit ACT or SAT test scores to CSUSB please log into your College Board account or MyACT account and request submission of your score report.

CSUSB recipient number - 4099

When requesting your scores from College Board, they will be delivered to your designated score recipient in 7–14 days. The exact number of days depends on when you submit your request and the location of your score recipient.

External Exam Credit (AP/CLEP/IB)

Students may earn college course credit by taking a CSU-accepted external examination in place of a course. This includes standardized external examinations, such as the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).

CSUSB has determined passing scores, minimum units of credit earned, and certification area (for General Education Breadth and/or U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals) of standardized external examinations and will apply credits earned by external examinations toward the degree major. CSUSB will only use those scores that meet the minimum required score to receive credit or placement.

To submit AP, CLEP and SAT Subject scores please log into your College Board account and request submission of your score report.

CSUSB recipient number - 4099

To submit IB scores please log into your International Baccalaureate account and request submission of your core report. 

When requesting your scores, they will be delivered to your designated score recipient in 7–14 days. The exact number of days depends on when you submit your request and the location of your score recipient.

All External Exam Credits should be submitted as soon as possible. If test score credit is needed to meet admission requirements it must be on file with CSUSB before an admission decision can be reached. Please submit your test scores as soon as possible.

Student outside with book

Military Credit Documents

If you served in the military, you may be eligible for credit that will transfer to the CSU, helping you to earn your degree faster.

You can submit your DD 214/Separation Documents when applying to the CSUSB through Cal State Apply. (You can apply for a copy of your DD 214 at the National Archives.) If you did not include your DD-214 in your application, a copy of the document can be electronically or physically delivered to our campus.

Veterans are also encouraged to submit their Joint Services Transcript (JST) to the Office of Admission and Student Recruitment for course credit evaluation.

Please contact a Veteran Liaisons for more information.

2 students working together

Domestic Applicants with International Transcripts 

Domestic students who completed coursework at an accredited educational institution outside the United States are advised to do the following: 

  1. Send official academic records for secondary and post-secondary course work taken outside the U.S. in original language of issue. Please note that we do not accept evaluation reports. We will need to see your official academic records. 
  2. All academic records not in English must be accompanied by an official English translation.  
  3. Depending on your situation, you may be required to meet the English language proficiency requirement by taking TOEFL or other acceptable exam i.e. Duolingo.

Send all OFFICIAL academic records to: 

California State University, San Bernardino 

International Admissions 

Center for Global Innovation-3rd Floor 

5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407 


We recommend that you contact the International Admissions Office at or by phone (909) 537-5288, should you have any questions regarding your international transcripts.